Wednesday, June 6, 2018

My Boys are One!

I have a whole post in my head that I am processing about the birth experience and first year of life for my bubs and will get up here in the near future (I'm on summer vacation-yay!).  However, I want to make it known that today is one of my favorite days.  I am a mama because of this day.  My pregnancy and birth experiences plus the events of this past year have changed who I am and how I interact with the world around me.  My boys fill me with hope and love and I want to be better because of how amazing these men are (and there are the tears, because squishy feelings).  Today is a day for thankfulness for all who have shown kindness and provided help to PAG and I through our first year of twin parenthood.  No man is an island and no more is that so than when you are parenting, especially parenting two exciting balls of energy at once.  So today is for all of the folks who share in our joy and share in the ever changing experiences of Bilbo and Wall-E.  As these fellas cannot yet say "thank-you" let us do it for them and if I do not tell you so in person, please know we love you and keep you in our hearts everyday and are thankful for all of your kindness and love.  Happy birthday boys!    

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